Saidullah Jan


Saidullah Jan

Year of birth



Switzerland - Sanctions List




Saidullah Jan

Abid Khan

Additional Information

Places of birth:


Other information:

Saidullah Jan is a senior member of the Haqqani Network (HQN) (TE.H.12.12.) as of 2013 who has also acted at times as an HQN deputy, as the HQN commander for the Northern Zone of Afghanistan, and as a key HQN logistical coordinator. In late 2013, Saidullah provided critical facilitation support to drivers and vehicles transporting HQN ammunition. As of late 2011, Saidullah was also involved in the group’s recruiting efforts

and conducted the evaluation of at least one HQN recruit.

In late 2013, Saidullah traveled to the Gulf in the company HQN fundraisers Khalil Ahmed

Haqqani (TI.H.150.11.), Fazl Rabi (TI.R.157.12.), and other HQN members including an attack facilitator. In 2010, Saidullah traveled with a group of HQN leaders, including now-deceased HQN official Ahmed Jan Wazir Akhtar Mohammad (TI.W.159.12.), to the Gulf. In late 2013, Saidullah reportedly was trusted by Al-Qaida (QE.A.4.01.) members as an HQN associate who could help with any trouble, including arrest. As of early 2012, Saidullah Jan sometimes travelled with Yahya Haqqani to meet with now-deceased

HQN financial emissary Nasiruddin Haqqani (TI.H.146.10.).

Father’s name is Bakhta Jan.


Saidullah Jan was listed on 31 Jul 2014 pursuant to paragraph 2 of resolution 2160 (2014) for “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities by, in conjunction with, under the name of, on behalf of, or in support of” and “otherwise supporting acts or activities of” those designated and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with the Taliban in constituting a threat to the peace, stability and security of Afghanistan.

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