“plant ‘zvezda’”- Branch Of The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “scientific And Production Center Of Automation And Instrumentation Named After Academician N.a. Pilyugin”
Year of birth
Additional Information
Novaya str., 80, 172739, Russian Federation
Other information:
Legal address: 117342, Moscow City, Vvedenskogo street, 1, Russian Federation
Type of entity: Branch of the Federal State Unitary enterprise
Place of registration: Russian Federation
Registration number: 1027739552642
Principal place of business: Russian Federation
Associated entities: Former parent company, Federal State Unitary Enterprise
“Scientific and Production Center of Automation and Instrumentation named after
academician N.A. Pilyugin” (JSC “NPCAP”)
Additional information: TIN 7728171283
“Plant ‘Zvezda’” is Russia’s leading enterprise for the production of high-precision gyroscopic devices for rocket, space and aviation equipment for various purposes. The plant is a part of the military-industrial complex in Tver region that solves high-tech tasks in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
“Plant ‘Zvezda’” manufactures and provides dynamically adjustable gyroscopes (DNG) which are used in control and stabilization systems of the navigation satellites - GLONASS–K. GLONASS is a Russian satellite navigation system designed for operational navigation and time support for an unlimited number of land, sea, air and space-based users. GLONASS system continually assists Russian Armed Forces to deliver accurate strikes with tactical missiles (e.g. Iskander tactile missiles) in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
Therefore, “Plant ‘Zvezda’” is supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.