Nikolai Tokarev
Year of birth
UK - Sanctions List
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Regime: Russia
(UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS0271. Financial sanctions imposed in addition to an asset freeze: Trust services. Date trust services sanctions imposed: 21/03/2023. (UK Statement of Reasons):Nikolai TOKAREV, hereafter TOKAREV, is a prominent Russian businessman with significant interests in the extractives and energy industries, as well as a longstanding associate of Vladimir Putin. He is currently President of Transneft – a state enterprise that provides services for oil and oil products transportation within Russia and beyond. Transneft is a Government of Russia-affiliated entity which carries on business in sectors of strategic significance to the Government of Russia. TOKAREV is working as a director (whether executive or non-executive), trustee, or equivalent of Transneft, and is therefore a person who is or has been involved in obtaining a benefit from or supporting the Government of Russia. (Gender):Male